发布时间:2015-08-26 00:00:00 浏览:2480
普阳教育是由国际教育专家,职业生涯规划专家,心理辅导专家以及海外升学顾问所组成的咨询团队,创始人团队秉承授之以鱼不如授之以渔的教育理念,通过发现和挖掘学生的优势和潜力,鼓励学生积极主动地提高自身的综合能力,探索不同的可能性和发现自我,结合我们团队不同专家的专业知识及行业经验帮助学生顺利完成海外求学、职业生涯发展与定位,结合我们团队不同专家的专业知识及行业经验帮助学生顺利完成海外求学,职业发展与定位等一系列的规划,从而使学生顺利进入理想的海外学府,并能更有效的支持学生的知识获取和人生探索。 普阳优势源于对教育的理解,我们善于为国内学生提供高质量的咨询、背景提升、语言培训以及海外托管等服务,我们的目的不仅仅是让学生能够顺利进入理想的海外学府,更重要的是能够引导学生自我完善其生涯规划,实现个人价值!
Beijing Pu Yang Educational Consulting Co., Ltd (English name is Academic Preparatory Consulting Co., Ltd. APC)is the first company in China mainland which through melting the advantages of education system in East and West provides the comprehensive consulting service and career planning and overseas studies in global extent. APC’s consulting team is consist of international education specialties, career planning specialties, psychologists and overseas studies consultants and the founders focus on the notion that to fish is better than to offer fish. By exploring the potential advantages in young students, APC encourages them to improve their overall strengths actively and enthusiastically, to probe many possibilities and find what they really want to do. And our team with many specialties in different fields will assist our clients to accomplish the overseas studies, career planning so that they will enrich their knowledge efficiently and which will eventually fulfill their exploration of life.
APC’s superiority lies in its understanding of education. We are good at provide first-class consulting, background promoting, English Training and oversea life assisting. Not only helping our clients being admitted into dream schools in the world, APC pays more attention to guiding them to perfect their career planning and fulfill individual life.
文章出自:北京网站制作公司-东浩联创 http://www.donhonet.net 如转载请注明出处!
2020-03-23 18:11:54